Friday, March 28, 2014

A Good Christian Must Be A Conservative/Liberal Christian?

     We constantly see conservative "fundamentalist" Christians in the media for speaking out against the LGBTQ community, trying to force Christianity on others, speaking poorly about Muslims, ranting about the liberals, and speaking about the anti-Christ and the "end times".  However, we also see liberals feeling that sin is ok because it will always happen and they believe all roads lead to heaven.  I personally find my comfort in the middle ground between them.  I think both sides have gone off their rails and are halfway down the slippery slope to self-destruction.  Before I go on into my real motive for this status, I would like to dive deeper into the issues of the far-left and far-right mentioned above.  The right would love to keep the LGBTQ community oppressed because they are "sinning", but you would know that is untrue if you read my last post, (  Then we have forcing Christianity on everyone; how can you force your beliefs on others in the name of Christ when Christ explicitly gave people the choice and left if they rejected Him.  The next issue on the right is about Muslims.  Muslims and Christians have a bad history, but we are cousins who just follow different sons of Abraham and we worship the same God (Elohim, Elah, Allah) and there is no reason to spew hate between us.  The right wing and the left wing are guilty of this one; attacking the opposite end of the spectrum which needs no explanation to why it's wrong.  The last thing that the right wing does that really aggravates me is it is always speaking of the "end times" coming and Obama or some other figure being the anti-Christ.  I will delve further into this later.  Let's move onto the left wing.  I don't know much about the left wing because I was raised in a right wing home, but what I do know is that they are really passionate about the idea of all roads leading to heaven.  This is something that is severely scriptural and I cannot support it completely because God speaks of only one way to Him and that is through the son.  However, this is cleared up by the scripture that says all tongues shall confess that you are God and therefore, it can be assumed that all will be saved.  They also seem to believe that we can just continue to live in sin with no intent to change and lead holy lives, which is scriptural.  I will admit that I identify more with the left-wing Christianity than the right, but both have issues and I find it better to be somewhere in the middle ground between them.
     Right now, I would like to focus on the conservative side of Christianity that loves to preach about us living in the "end times" due to the oppression of the church and 9/11.  These Christians believe that right is becoming wrong and vice versa just like the Bible says the end times will be.  Some will even stretch to say that 9/11 was caused by the U.S.'s tolerance of the LGBTQ movement.  I would like to suggest that today's Christianity is the cause for the oppression of Christianity.  We see everyone attacking Christianity and even the U.S. and most Christians are so blind to their own failings that they assume that it is the end times, but I think that they are abandoning the teachings that Christ gave to us and therefore rejecting God and His protection just as Israel did when it was continuously conquered in the late Tanakh (Hebrew Bible/Old Testament).  I would also propose that this is the same reason that the 9/11 attacks happened; not because of the U.S. tolerance of the LGBTQs, but the Christians intolerance.  If it weren't the Christians, then why would the church still be oppressed and not blessed by God and made favorable in the eyes of men?  I propose that Christianity is what is wrong with Christianity because we have forgotten the love of Christ and adopted the condemnation of Hell.
     You may have seen what I have said as extreme, but this is a big and controversial question that demands a radically different answer than what we have seen.  I am merely providing my readers with food for thought and knowledge that Christians today, much like the Ancient Israel, have strayed from God and rejected Him and therefore, are dealing with the consequences.

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